Yesterday's post had pictures from July through August 1992. Fall is in the air and school is about to start again. Little Audra is in 6th grade, still at Thomas Hart Benton elementary school. The next entry in the Snoopy diary is dated March 2, 1993. The photo album I've been mining stops at Christmas 1992, and so does this blog post.
Halloween 1992. We had accumulated some random masks over the years, including this granny one. The other elements of my costume were found around the house.
Granny mask + house coat + bandana + cowboy hat+ umbrella-serving-as-cane = best costume ever! |
Going trick or treating with my cousin, chaperoned by my uncle. |
In the top photo I am clutching my back as if I am in pain. Because that was part of my character. Duh. But my favorite part of my costume, best seen in the second photo, is how I chose to wear my glasses on the outside of the mask. Haha. uncle is a very talented pumpkin carver.
November 1992.
Hooray for grassy, leafy November snow! |
Standing on top of a crate demonstrating my awesome Nerf Master Blaster skills. |
My one and only orchestra concert. I'm not sure when this took place, as none of the photos were dated, but the garland and bows scream Christmastime.
Faking it. |
I didn't stay in orchestra very long (only a few of months) because I strongly disliked the teacher, but I think I also quit because a lot of the other kids quit. Peer pressure or whatever. Dumb move. My violin didn't have the fine tuners at the bridge, and it was very difficult for me to tune it properly using the pegs, so my teacher said he would tune it. However, he mistuned it. There was a lot of chaos before the concert and I guess he wasn't paying attention when he had my violin. This became apparent immediately into the first song and I decided rather than sounding like an idiot who can't play her her instrument, I would be better off not playing. So I mimed it. I never forgave that teacher for such a humiliating moment. Instead, I quit.
Christmas 1992.
Opening gifts. |
I was totally surprised. |
I had been bugging my mom about getting my own CD player for a long time. She was in control of the stereo in the living room that had a CD player and wouldn't let us play our music as often as we would have liked. In the top picture I'm showing off my swag which included a book or calendar of antique maps, the Annie Lenox "Diva" CD, a Troll jigsaw puzzle and some MadLibs. I remember thinking "gee, thanks for the CD, mom, but you'll never let me listen to it." and then bam! She shocks me with the most unexpected Christmas present ever: a CD boombox. I was truly surprised, which didn't happen very often, because I always made it my mission to figure out what our mom was getting us. My record would never be perfect. Good one, mom!