Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Hate Him - April 1, 1992

Day: April 1, 1992 Wed.  Date:     

Today I stared at **** every chance I got. In PE **** ran pretty close to me. As soon as we got in the gym, **** gave me a hi-5 and smiled. **** also stared at me to. I really do think he likes me. I know I love him. Actually I hate him!

April Fools!!!

Audra S, age 10
5th grade

Who knew gym class could be so romantic?

Dance break:

Friday, September 30, 2011

He Does His Hair Good - March 31, 1992

Day:  TUES. March 31, 1992  Date:     

Today I stared at **** half the day. At the Boys and Girls Club, ____ asked me if I would go with ****. I said yes! Of course!!! I love ****. He is so cute, and nice, and funny, and wears cool clothes. He also does his hair good. I just hope he likes me more than just a friend.

Audra S. age 10
5th grade

OMG! All that staring is starting to pay off! A boy who is friends with **** is gauging my interest. I was a sucker for good hair. And cool clothes. Did I do my hair good and wear cool clothes back then? No. Do I do my hair good and wear cool clothes now? No. Will I ever do my hair good and wear cool clothes? Hmm...probably not.

I will never be one of these chicks.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Really Do Love Him - March 26, 1992

Day: Thur, March 26, 1992  Date:      

I didn't see **** today. I only write when I see **** or when something exciting happens. I can't wait til school starts again, then I'll be able to see **** everyday. I really do love him, or it's a very deep crush! That's me saying "Later."

Audra S age 10
5th grade

Don't get carried away, dude.  It's just a crush. A really deep, dumb crush.

This entry made me laugh because I have closed most of my casual correspondence with "Later" for as long as I can remember. This must have been when that started. I'll revert back to this longer form for special occasions.

It must have been Spring break since I was jonesin to get back to school. According to the random assortment of photographs I have sitting next to me, that weekend I went...somewhere.

There was a wagon.

And some Civil War reenactors.
And an old house.
And maybe a state capitol?

All photos dated 3/28/92. I really, really loved that little jacket. And that vest. Anyway, I didn't write about this outing in my diary, so it must not have been that exciting.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

He Had Him In The Headlock Twice - March 25, 1992

Day: Wed, March 25, 1992  Date:       

Today we painted the basement. After that, I took my shower. After that, I looked out the door and **** and some other boys were playing b. ball. I went outside, and watched them. Well, I mostly watched ****. B. ball is so interesting. After they played 2 games, they all walked over where I was. ____ started to ask me a joke and **** stoped him because it was a mean joke. ____ asked me a question that had to do with ****. I adore ****. He is such a babe. I want to go with him so bad. I think he likes me. I'm not sure. Also today, ____ and ____ got into a fight. ____ had ____ in the headlock twice! It was exciting. I won't go into detail though. I just know I love **** and I think **** likes me. 
Audra S. age 10 5th grade

Thanks for not going into detail about watching some kid get his ass kicked. That would have been disturbing on multiple levels. By the way, the kid that was in the headlock twice is the same kid who started to tell--sorry, "ask"-- me that mean joke. Thank god my babe in shining armor was there to defend me. And thank god he liked playing basketball. Because basketball is so interesting. Huh? Was I covering my ass in case the inventor of basketball or Michael Jordan ever read my diary?

Lil Audra and Lil Bow Wow both love basketball:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sometimes He Even Stares At Me - March 20, 1992

age 10 5th grade
Day: March 20, 1992  Date: Fri

I love ****. Yesterday during our Spelling game, **** threw the ball to me. He usually never does. Today **** got a hair cut. He looks even more cute! At the end of the day **** had to pick up the science workbook things. He grabbed the others realy fast but when he came for mine, he just took it nicly and smiled at me. Every day I stare at him. He looks at me with a smile on his face. Sometimes he even stares at me!

It didn't take much to get me excited.

  • Throwing a ball at me. 
  • A haircut. 
  • Not being a douche when picking up my science workbook. 
  • Looking/staring at me.

Obviously, he loves me.

Artist's rendition of Audra and **** staring at each other.

Monday, September 26, 2011

When I Walked In His Face Lit Up - March 8, 1992

Day: March 8, 1992  Date: Sun.

I remember on Friday when I walked in the classroom. **** was already there. He had a sad epression on his face. When I walked in his face lit up. Friday was also the day of the Spelling Bee. Benton won. The score was 22 - 23! It was a miracle that we won! Everybody who was in it got a trophy. I was so happy. **** didn't get to see it. I love ****! I hope he likes me. I think he does!

March 8, 1992
Audra S.
5th grade age 10

Wow. How charming I must have been to make somebody's face light right up like that! And a competitive speller, too?! I was the total package. But would **** ever notice?

Audra in 1992 with a Spelling Bee trophy. And a cowboy hat.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

He Isn't Going Out With Anyone Now - March 5, 1992

March 5, 1992   Thur.
Day: Feb 14, 1992  Date: Fri

I found out yesterday that **** isn't going out with anyone now! Today Yesterday at the club, everywhere I went **** went. I hope that means he likes me because, I like him. I want to go out with him!

Audra S.
age 10,
5th grade

Recap: Little Audra's heart was broken the day before Valentine's Day when she found out her crush loved somebody else. She started to write in the Snoopy diary on Valentine's Day 1992, but couldn't get beyond the grief and decided to scratch that date out. Time heals all wounds, so she stopped writing in her diary while the boy she liked "went out with" some other girl. Fast forward to March 5, 1992 and **** is back on the market!

Let the unhealthy obsession with **** resume!

Some photographs of the era:

Why am I wearing a dress? 2/16/92

Why is there a huge bruise on my forehead? March 1992