Back to the diary entries. Take it away, little Audge:
Day: March 2, 1993 Date: Tues.
Man! I haven't written in you in a long time! God. I don't know where to begin. Well, I'm in 6th grade. We switch classes but not exactly like Jr. High. I haven't gone out with anyone yet. What else is new Huh!? I want to go with **** again. Or $$$$. This morning $$$$ rode our bus to school and on the way home **** rode our bus. I wish one of them would ask me out. I'm in a combonation class of 5th and 6th graders. Here are the names of them 6th grade - $$$$, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, me, & ____. 5th grade - ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____. I think that's it. I have the feeling **** likes me again this year but I'm not sure. He smiles at me alot but he could be doing it at someone else. I hope not. [A boy who's not in my class but in my grade] told me he wanted to go out with me in 4th grade but I didn't get the note he said he put in my desk. It has snowed alot. But it's starting to melt now. I got Nike Air Cross Trainers shoes. They're pretty cool but I need a new pair soon. The 6th graders get to go to St. Louis for a field trip. It'll be fun but I need to get a new walkman. And a game boy or game gear. In Disney Adventures theirs a thing that your class could be picked to say what's in and what's out. We asked Mrs. Teacher she said she'd talk about it with us. But she forgot today. I hope she'll let us and hope we're picked. Well I can't think of anything left to say.
Audra S age 11
6th grade
When I wrote this originally, I never thought I'd slap it on the Internet. Otherwise, I would have skipped the part where I list every kid in my class by first and last name.
Okay, so I have two love targets this year: **** and $$$$. This could get interesting. For your information, I wrote some mean things about $$$$ last year. I guess love disguised as hate. Haha. I also like how I included the bit about some other boy who allegedly wanted to go with me in the 4th grade. See, world? I'm not totally unpopular. Oh yeah, for the remaining diary entries I'm going to try to be more descriptive with the other kids mentioned while still maintaining their anonymity.
I was a materialistic little twit, huh? Shoes, walkmans, handheld video game systems. I grew out of that eventually. By 'eventually' I mean when I went off to college. And probably, more accurately, when I moved to Colorado after graduating college. Hello, student loans. Time to pay you off...
Disney Adventures! One of my favorite magazines as a kid. Look closely and you can see an issue sitting on my desk in the third picture of
this blog post. I'm sure it was nothing but marketing propaganda for the Walt Disney company and all its holdings. But who cares?! They put all my favorite TV and movie stars on the covers and had cool contests like the one I wished my class would win. I hate to say, we did not win. In fact, we did not enter.
I loved Star Trek: The Next Generation. |