Monday, October 10, 2011

Today I Didn't Stare At Him - April 14, 1992

Day: April 14, 1992 TUES.  Date:   

Today I didn't stare at ****. He and I just flurted with him. He was acting his usual. ____, ****, and I had to clean the terreon. I don't know how to spell it! I never knew how soft ****'s skin is until today. I found ____ is going to be nicer to me because ____, ____, ____, and ____ don't like her. So at lunch there is 4 people on each end of the table. It used to just be me, then ____ and _____ came down. Well at the club today I found out **** is going with ____. Ew!!! ____ is being alot nicer to me. I'm surprised. I'm becoming more popular in school too. The end.

Audra S
age 10
5th grade

terreon = terrarium

Poor little Audra. I hate to break it to you, but you will never be popular. Ever.

Reading about your lunch table is sad. People were mean to you? It's okay. You were kind of a bitch to people, too. And seriously, when will you get over ****? He's going with somebody else again. Maybe you're holding out hope that he's going through all the girls alphabetically by last name and he will eventually get to you. That's silly. Just focus on your school work so you can go to college, get a master's degree and be unintentionally unemployed at age 30.

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