Friday, September 23, 2011

He Doesn't Want To Go Out With Me - February 13, 1992

Day: Feb 13, 1992  Date: Thurs

I found out **** doesn't want to go out with me. He loves ____!

Audra S
age 10
5th grade

Come on! The day before Valentine's Day?

Since my heart was too broken to write anything in the Snoopy diary on Valentine's Day, I'll go ahead and include images of the valentines I got with today's entry. I kept them all even though I only cared about this one.

If only he really wanted me

The others:

Garfield valentines must have been on sale.

A nice assortment.

My favorite is Beetlejuice.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today Was Pretty Much The Same - February 12, 1992

Day: Feb. 12, 1992  Date: Wed.
Today was pretty much the same. I really think **** likes me. That's all!
5th grade
age 10

There's not much to dissect in this entry. Instead, I will listen to the #1 song on this date:

Little Audra was too sexy for ****.
Yeah right. It was obviously the other way around.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

He Wants To Go Out With You. Sike! - February 11, 1992

Sikes hurt
5th grade age 10

Day: Feb. 11, 1992  Date: Tues.

I found out that **** likes me as a friend, but he seemed embarresed when ____ said something, I'm not sure what but what I heard was this:
You like Audra?! For a friend
**** wants to go out with you! Sike!

Audra S
age 10
5th grade

This is a sad one. Mainly because it's so poorly written. But also because of that sike at the end. I'm crying now. Just as I was crying then. Sike!

By the way, the kid represented by ____ in this entry was really quite funny. We became good friends in 6th grade. Or so the documentation would have you believe. He signed my 6th grade yearbook and autograph book a bunch of times. He also signed a small, square plastic pouch that came out of a Honeycomb cereal box. Weird. I found the pouch in the autograph book, which, by the way, coordinates with the Snoopy diary.

Snoopy autograph book and honeycomb pouch (signed in June 1993 by a boy who "farts to much")
Too bad I didn't have a crush on that boy. I guess he wasn't sufficiently Luke Perryesque. Oh, and I did diagnose him with that farting problem. According to facebook, ____ is happily married and has built a good life for himself and his family, despite an abundance of youthful flatulence.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We Did Something Very Horrible - February 10, 1992

Not our screen door
5th grade 10 yrs. old
Day: Feb 10, 1992  Date: Mon.

Today me and Charles did something very horrible. We broke the door! My mom was pissed! I mean big time!

Audra S

I actually remember this event pretty clearly. Charles and I were fighting...and I mean big time...and I locked him out of the house so he kicked the screen door in. I remember being in shock looking at the broken door. We immediately stopped fighting and tried to figure out what to do. I had the brilliant idea of calling my mom at work with the following story to try to find out what we could expect for punishment and to figure out if we needed to run away:

"Hi mom. So I have to do a report for school on punishment. Let's say, for example, me and Charles broke the screen door. What would you do to punish us in this scenario?"

Pretty sure she saw right through it and no doubt chewed my ass out over the phone. Not to mention whatever happened when she got home. Haha.

Monday, September 19, 2011

She Has This Weird Sickness - February 6, 1992

5th grade 10 years old
Day: Feb. 6, 1992  Date: Turs.

**** was in I.S.S. so I don't have much to talk about. ____ has this wierd sickness. I don't remember the name though. She told me during computer club.

Audra S

Claiming to not have much to talk about because the boy you like was sitting in in-school suspension on the same day a friend tells you about her health problems is terrible. And you don't even remember what she was sick with? You suck, little Audra.

Here are some photos of the computer club courtesy of the 1991-1992 yearbook:

Oh my god. Look at our pants.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Actually Wrote His Name - February 5, 1992

age 10 5th grade
Day: Wed. Feb. 5  Date: 1992

I really like ****! (that's the first time I actually wrote his name!) I hope he likes me. Today the S.A.C. was asked questions about the school. I

You what? Don't leave us hanging!


There's no pen mark that would indicate little Audra fell asleep writing. She just stopped. Too bad. She always had such fascinating things to say. Ha. Does anyone know what the SAC was...student advisory council? Something like that. I hope little Audra expressed how much she loved the cafeteria food during the interview. Anyway, congratulations on writing ****'s name in your diary. Quite a milestone.

I, however, must keep his identity a secret on this blog.

This is totally what he looked like.